Terms + conditions.

01. "Best effort" service.
  1. Afrihost will provide DSL line rental services to the client based on the following conditions:
    1. DSL line rental support will be provided on a best-effort basis as is available via Telkom.
    2. No guarantees or warranties whatsoever are provided on throughput or any other aspect of the service, including but not limited to warranties in respect of merchantability, non-infringement of third party rights, freeness from errors or interruptions or availability, other than set out in these terms and conditions.
    3. The specifications of this service are subject to change and will be provided as per the DSL profile information updates available from Telkom.
    4. DSL is an access medium to the Internet and accordingly remains subject to any bandwidth related constraints which may apply to or be experienced in the use of the World Wide Web (WWW).
02. Telkom voice line rental.
  1. Afrihost does not provide the voice line required for ADSL line rental. Telkom conditions apply to the access and costs related to these non-Afrihost contingencies. As a minimum Telkom requires that voice lines remain active in order to provide ADSL services.
03. Faults and repairs.
  1. Afrihost will be entitled to assume that DSL service provision to a client is in good working order until such time as the client advises Afrihost Support of any problems or service breaks.
  2. Any faults or service interruption should be reported via one of the following channels:
    1. online at https://clientzone.afrihost.co...;
    2. by emailing support@afrihost.com;
    3. by calling the Afrihost Support during office hours on 011 612 7200; or
    4. logging on to Afrihost’s live chat servers on http://www.afrihost.com.
  3. Telkom will attend to faults reported by the Client during office hours and the relevant party will apply its reasonable endeavours to have the DSL service restored in the shortest possible time.
  4. If Telkom determines that the fault reported by the client was caused by client equipment which is not covered by a maintenance agreement with Afrihost, the client shall be liable for payment of the relevant call-out charge as determined by Telkom from time to time.
04. Exchange congestion.
  1. Afrihost has no authority over the maintenance and capacity of Telkom exchanges. At present there is also no reporting or escalation agreement available from Telkom to address congestion on a client’s behalf. In the case of congested exchanges, Afrihost will endeavour to obtain as much information as possible on a client’s behalf, but will ultimately not be held responsible or liable for degraded DSL performance due to congested exchanges.
05. Service credit.
  1. If the client wishes to make a claim for service downtime, the client must log a dispute with Afrihost, which will take the matter up with Telkom. Any refund will be made to the client by Afrihost, which has sole discretion whether to accept the client’s claim. Such credit will exclude any claims for slow access, intermittent service and any other fault type except no service faults.
  2. The calculation of time periods for the purpose of calculating any service credit shall only commence upon the reporting of any fault to Afrihost Support.
06. Cancellations.
  1. Cancellations are made as per the general terms, and will only be accepted from within ClientZone.
  2. Cancellation of any DSL service (data or DSL line rental) is the Client's responsibility and all tools to effect such cancellation are provided in ClientZone. The client is responsible for ensuring that such cancellation of service is actioned with due attention to terms of cancellation, as well as cancellation conditions which require the client to specifically indicate a required process (for example whether an ADSL line rental service should be moved back to Telkom or cancelled entirely). Should the client incorrectly complete the cancellation process, Afrihost will not be liable for any additional costs or compensation to the client due to the error.
07. Amendments.
  1. Amendments to these terms and conditions will be made as set out in the general terms.
  2. Telkom's Standard Terms and Conditions for the provision of Public Switched Telecommunication Services also apply to this service, and may change from time to time. The client is obliged to check for changes to such terms.